About Us
We believe that today's neighborhoods have in large part served to isolate people from one another and encourage alienation from ourselves and our communities.
Together we seek to create a neighborhood which strikes a balance between public and private -- respecting individual privacy while encouraging social interaction.
In pursuit of this goal, we take an active part in the ongoing management of our community. This community of adults and children is not built around an ideological principle;
rather, we seek a diversity of backgrounds, ages and opinions, with our one shared value being the commitment to working out our problems and finding consensus solutions which satisfy all members.
Our community...
- fosters a sense of community by encouraging social interaction and providing common activities
- provides a balance between needs for privacy and needs for community
- creates a nurturing setting for children
- uses a consensus process for decision making, and provide participation in design and management decisions
- minimizes impacts on the environment
- contains public spaces owned in common by members
- is located on an urban, in-fill site that allows us to be a part of the surrounding community
- increases security through knowing our neighbors
- encourages diversity in the form of age, income, ethnicity, etc.
Our community is not...
- based on any particular ideology
- intended to provide for all aspects of a person's life
- owned entirely in common
- a "gated community" that isolates itself from the surrounding neighborhoods