Sonora Cohousing is built on a 4.7 acre lot.
The physical design re-establishes many of the advantages of a traditional neighborhood.
The design encourages interaction between individuals, breaking down the isolation typical of suburban developments and creating a small-town atmosphere, while maintaining all the privacy treasured by most Americans.
Private entries are located off pedestrian streets, pathways, and courtyards, allowing for a safe environment for children as well as gathering places for adults.
Site Green Features:
- Large community garden site included in site plan.
- Retention basins - 100% of stormwater retained on site. Grading done to capture, slow, and harvest rainwater.
- Protected/relocated plants in compliance with the Native Plant Protection Ordinance (NPPO)
- Vegetation that had to be destroyed was shredded for mulch.
- Built on vacant city lot (an "infill" site) - close to services, transportation, and utilities; native desert not destroyed for the development.
- Site layout minimizes auto-related pavement
- Buildings oriented for solar gain in buildings
- Site maximizes opportunities for formal and spontaneous activities (not requiring travel).
- Pedestrian emphasis - reduce emphasis on cars. Parking on periphery.